Non-linear media is a form of electronic media where data is stored in non-linear (as opposed to analog) form. The term refers to the technical aspect of storage and transmission (e.g. hard disk drives or computer networking) of information or to the “end product”, such as non-linear video, augmented reality or non-linear art. Florida’s Non-linear Media Alliance defines non-linear media as “the creative convergence of non-linear arts, science, technology and business for human expression, communication, social interaction and education”.

 Non-linear media technology is aligned to all types of electronic media devices out there. Media can be accessed in many ways including hand held devices such as mobile phones, laptops, desktops and mp3 players. There is a lot of non-linear content stored on the internet today. The web content comes in varied formats such as text, pictures, audio and video. Throughout the history of internet, the non-linear media has been in the process of evolution.

Let us take a look at how non-linear content evolved in the face of information communication technologies (ICTs). To begin with non-linear revolution has enabled free flow of information, ideas and knowledge across the globe. The new media (internet) has successfully incorporated all other forms and means of mass communication. Newspapers, magazines, radios, television networks, motion pictures- every offline platform has an online presence. Integrated media platforms are the obvious fallout of convergence.

Not only has this triggered normative rethinking on the traditional role of the press, it has also led to the adaptation of publication roles. Other than the more visible evolution of the content in the mainstream media, ICTs have caused reinvention of the role played by the media professionals in the processes of information/news dissemination. Added to this is the greater ‘interiority’ and also ‘interactivity’ of the audience, which is no longer regarded as a passive entity. The fragmentation and blurring of the media institution is fallout. It is no longer an impervious monolith, but subject to constant evolution by the audience. The proliferation of the new media also leads to reduced social control.

Boom in the online text was the first high ever achieved bydue to the onset of ICTs. After the Internet first got big, there was an explosion of content on the web, especially with all the text editors and word processing options out there today. Greater companies started to put date on computers instead of storing it in cabinets, and the internet definitely allowed a great way to share, transfer, and store content as well.

As the Internet grew, images began to appear. As a substitute of just text emails, soon people could send photos, and soon photo sites for sharing photos began to pop up. Then in the middle 1990s, audio began to become an important part of Non-linear media with the mp3 files that could be easily used. Shortly music and more was shared online with sites that allowed you to share audio.

Last in the Non-linear media development was video. YouTube absolutely made video sharing a hugely popular form of modern media distribution and this is continuing to grow as we speak today. Now with new knowledge seen in things like the iPhone, this new form of virtual media is available in handheld devices as well, and no doubt this sector is only going to continue to grow in the future.

With the popularity of Non-linear media, it is definitely important that you continue to create and use it for good marketing and business results. Even if you have to hire someone to help out, the benefits will make it worth the money. So knowledge about and using Non-linear media is definitely important for a business success today. The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, JIMS, Vasant Kunj II imparts the skills for the future and in wake of this various dimensions of non-linear media are taught in our audio visual and multimedia labs.