The role of media involves generating democratic culture in a society. Various forms of media including print media, electronic media and new media are functioning to provide information and generate awareness in the community. Media is a platform which voices public opinion, perspective and bring issues into public sphere. Media is also defined by the active role it plays in informing and educating the society through news. Apart from this, another important aspect of media is facilitating social change and altering the behaviour of the public by focusing on the issues that can have positive or negative impact. The students in JIMS VK-II are taught the ethical responsibility of a journalist.

Media also provides information about the democratic process to the public so that they can make an informed decision further, media also helps people in understanding the functioning of the government and how to participate in the democratic process effectively. In order for a democracy to be effective, it is important that people must be aware of their fundamental rights and how to execute them, therefore, media must provide them information and people must be free to receive the information so that they can develop their own ideas, opinions and views. Further, media through news also emphasises on issues that are crucial for the development of the society.

However, one of the fundamental roles of media in a democratic society is the ‘watchdog’ role, wherein media acts as a fourth pillar of a nation after Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. By being the ‘watchdog’ in the society, media uncovers the errors and loopholes of those in power and inform the masses regarding the same. Since, media acts as a watchdog, therefore, media is the ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ of the society which reports the events and issues that are related to public interest.

Media is involved in depth investigative journalism which involves providing detailed information about issues related to corruption, fraud or any other kind of negative issue which can impact the community. The ability of media in highlighting the issues encourages the masses, police and authorities to act and take stringent action against the corruption. This way media helps in maintaining transparency in the community.

Since media is responsible in generating awareness amongst the masses, therefore media must be neutral while reporting and refrain from disseminating information which can impact the communal harmony.  Media is responsible for development and helps people participate in democracy, however, if media is biased or corrupt, it can be lethal for the democracy, therefore, media must be honest in disseminating information.

Since, the students in JIMS VK-II are the budding journalists of the society, therefore, since the beginning they are being taught the essence of journalism, and the social responsibility they have towards the society as a journalist.

Ms. Mansi Chopra

Assistant Professor

Department of Mass Communication