The Impact of New Media on Conventional Journalism
With the onset of technology, there has been a tremendous growth in new media. With the rapid growth of digital media, the world has become a global village. Digital media has made the entire world more convergent by eliminating the geographical boundaries virtually. #BestJournalismCollegesinDelhiNCRJIMSVKII . Digital media has made the availability and accessibility of international content more convenient. Further new media has also altered the way of communication and information gathering of people. We are living in a digital age where we are surrounded by various forms of new media. For example:
- Social Media portals such as facebook , twitter and Instagram
- Online News portals/ websites
- Podcasts
- Blogs
- Mobile Based Applications
Over the last few years, digital media has altered our lives in many ways including the news consumption pattern. #BestMassCommunicationCollegesinDelhiNCRJIMSVKII . New media has created a major implication in the field of journalism. For instance, instead of relying on conventional media, people now prefer to consume news and information online. This has resulted in change in the pattern of news production and dissemination by journalists and news organizations.
For instance, since a majority of people now prefer to get information online rather than reading printed newspapers and magazines, many news organizations have launched their mobile based applications that provide news in a more convenient and easy way to the readers. #BestMassCommunicationCollegesInSouthDelhiJIMSVKII . To exemplify Google News, Aaj Tak Live TV apps are some of the applications that are available for the users.
Even as the digital media has made its foray into the world of news dissemination, there exists a certain section of the society that prefers to get information through conventional media also known as traditional media such as newspapers, magazines and televisions. #BestBMCCollegeInSouthDelhiJIMSVKII . Trends indicate, however, that people nowadays prefer to consume news through digital media.
Thus, new media has impacted the traditional media in many ways; the changes, however, have both positive as well as negative impact.
Some of the positive aspects of new media are as follows:
- Anytime, anywhere accessibility of news
- Provides real time information
- Greater transparency
- Provides scope for other dimensions of storytelling like podcasts, video casts and blogs. #BestJournalismCollegesinsouthdelhiJIMSVKII
However, apart from positive aspects, there are many negative impacts of new media. For instance
- Information overload
- Spreading of wrong or misinformation
- Unethical journalism
Newsmakers are very much aware that since the digital media has a tendency to push journalism in a new direction, it comes packed with a number of drawbacks and it is these drawbacks that are going to hamper its growth in future. #TopbjmccourseinsouthDelhiJIMSVKII . This tendency can be checked by putting safeguards in place. With proper media literacy, fact checking and regulating the content broadcast on digital media, the negative aspects can be converted into positive characteristics of new media, thereby resulting in tremendous growth of digital journalism.
Ms. Mansi Chopra
Assistant Professor
Department of Mass Communication